78th Annual 4th District Meeting hosted by Delta Alpha Chapter, April 25-28, 2019

4th District Meeting Information

General information
Delta Alpha Chapter is proud to be the host of the 78th Annual 4th District Meeting! We extend a warm welcome to all the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and their wives, families, guests, and friends. If you have any questions the District Marshal is Bro. Dr. Fred Aikens who can be reached by phone at 937-241-8980 or via email at Fredaikens@sbcglobal.net.
We have plenty of events and activities in store, as well as several opportunities to connect with one another and see the Gem City. We hope you enjoy your visit. If you have any questions please stop by the information desk or just stop any brother with a Delta Alpha buttons. Again, welcome to the Gem City!
The official 4th District Meeting hotel is The Dayton Crowne Plaza, 33 East 5th Street, Dayton, OH 45402. You may reach the hotel directly at 937-224-0800. In order to reserve your room please click "Reserve Room Now" below and use the hotel group rate code noted below. The room block with the special rate ends on March 25, 2019. After that discount rates and general availability are not guaranteed. The District room rate is $119/night plus tax. The Group Rate Code is OME when booking online and OMEGA2019 when calling the hotel at 937-224-0800.
REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS: All members of the fraternity must be financial and registered in order to participate in business activities of the Fourth District Annual Meeting. Badges, Tickets, and/or International Financial Cards will be required for admittance to all Annual Conference activities.
EARLY REGISTRATION: Early registration ends after the first fifty brothers are registered. The cost for early registration is $175.00 for Graduate Brothers and $100.00 for Undergraduate Brothers. The deadline for early registration is November 30, 2018. WE HAVE HAD RECORD SUCCESS IN REGISTRATION. THE FIRST FIFTY BROTHERS PAID FOR EARLY REGISTRATION W/IN 15 MINUTES OF BEING ANNOUNCED AT THE FALL COUNCIL MEETING, SO EARLY REGISTRATION IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!!
REGULAR REGISTRATION: Brothers are urged to register either early or on time to avoid additional costs. The deadline for online regular registration is March 31, 2019. The cost for registration is $200.00 for Graduate Brothers and $125.00 for Undergraduate Brothers.
LATE REGISTRATION: Registration received on or after April 1, 2019, will be considered late. The cost of Late Registration is $225.00 for Graduate Brothers, and $150.00 for Undergraduate Brothers. Additionally, late registration will affect the availability of conference materials and souvenirs.
Brothers and Quettes can access the registration link below by clicking "Register Me Now." If you prefer to mail registration forms, send them to: Bro. Dr. Fred A. Aikens, 5630 Botkins Road; Huber Heights, Ohio 45424. Registrations must be postmarked by April 1, 2019. Please make checks payable to Delta Alpha Chapter/OPPF Do not mail registrations after April 1, 2019. Returned checks are subject to a $70.00 returned check fee.
DELEGATE REGISTRATION: All chapter delegates must be financial at all three levels of the fraternity. Pre-registered delegates must present their current international financial cards at the Registration Table. Special badges will be given to all voting delegates. This will be an election year in the 4th District and there will be a “divided house” where the delegates are identified to facilitate ease of the voting process.
DELEGATE CREDENTIALS: Delegates must have their Voting Delegate Credentials (Form 36D, online at oppf.org) completed by March 22, 2019. The same rules apply to Alternates.
VOTING ELIGIBILITY: Pursuant to Chapter IV, Article I, Section 6 of the By-Laws of the Fourth District, District Officers and Past District Representatives may serve as delegates of their respective chapters at the District Meeting. Each Brother may only cast one vote in the District Meeting regardless of status. All financial chapters are entitled to two delegates, each of whom has one vote. No Chapter Delegate can cast more than one vote. Simply stated, Chapter Delegates must be present to vote. All alternates must be listed with proper credentials on file in order vote in place of a delegate.
DECORUM and PROTOCOL: No one will be permitted to enter any district activity wearing paraphernalia that is lewd or obscene. There will be no exceptions. Business attire (coat and tie) must be worn at all official sessions. The Memorial Service mandates that Omega formal is worn. That is Dark suit, white shirt, solid (long) purple tie, dark shoes and socks. The Founders’ Banquet, as always, is black tie.
CANCELLATIONS and REFUNDS: Brothers needing to cancel their Annual Meeting Registration must inform the District Marshal in writing. Under no circumstance will a refund be made without a written request. Requests for refunds must be received by April 1, 2019. Any request after that date will be handled on an individual basis and subject to administrative cost. Refunds will be mailed no earlier than thirty (30) days after the last day of the Annual Meeting. Any refunds of electronically submitted funds will be credited back to the credit or debit card on which the registration was paid. There will be no cash refunds where a credit or debit card was used for registration. Brothers must contact the hotel directly to cancel hotel reservations.
ATTENDING and VISITING REGISTRANTS: Brothers who register using the Attending or Visitor status on the registration form herewith must demonstrate that they are financial at least as an International Brother as defined by the International Headquarters of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
RETURNED CHECKS: A $70 bank charge payable to the OPP/4th District Meeting will be assessed for returned payments of all kinds (checks or online credit card payments).
Quette information
The 4th District Meeting Agenda can be found by clicking "Agenda." When you visit the registration desk you will be given the most up to date information on meeting times and locations, or you may check back here for more details.
Each chapter, Graduate or Undergraduate, will be allowed to send one March-Down Team. Any step team may, if they desire perform only as a general exhibition act. However, be advised in doing so, the step team will not be considered as a competing team. As a result, general exhibition step teams will forfeit the opportunity to represent the Fourth District at this year’s conclave.
DECORUM: Any vulgar act or expression or any use of canine reference in a derogatory manner construed as embarrassing to the Fraternity or contrary to the principles of the Fraternity will result in disqualification and elimination from competition. No fatigues, cut off pants or shorts will be allowed in the competition.
TEAM REGISTRATION: All teams must register by sending the March Down Team Registration Form to Bro. Chad Diggs at cdiggs74@yahoo.com. If you need to reach him by phone you may contact him at 937-248-3470. Forms are due NO LATER than April 1, 2019.
1. Each March Down Team will be given a time limit of ten (10)
minutes with a (2) two-minute warning. Each minute over the
time will result in a five-point deduction. Time will began once
the first step begins.
2. Each March Down Team will be allow (2) minutes to assemble
and disassemble any stage props and special effects
3. All competing teams will be judged and the team selected to
represent the Fourth District at this year’s Conclave (if a
conclave year) will be announced at the conclusion of the
4. March Down competition will be judged on the following
Precision; Transition of steps
Creativity and Originality
Appearance/Uniformity and dress
Vocal quality
March down/mardi gras tickets only
If you only want to purchase March Down (Step show) and Mardi Gras tickets, then you can get them right here on this page by clicking the button below or the button above with the same name.
If you want to sponsor an ad in the program booklet, and you just want detailed information, then click "Read More" under the heading Sponsor Ads at the top of the page. If all you want to do is pay for an ad, but do not plan to attend the convention, and therefore do not need to register, then click "Pay for Ad" below.